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YouTube bans Aristotle over false claim that earth is round


Last week Aristotle posted a video podcast on his YouTube channel, arguing that the earth is round -- not flat. That video received over 750,000 views before it was abruptly removed without warning, and he was permanently banned from YouTube for spreading ‘scientific misinformation’ in violation of YouTube’s terms of service. Aristotle’s 1.2 million subscribers were left in limbo. The decision is permanent. Aristotle will no longer be able to post his podcasts on YouTube.


Aristotle isn’t sure what specifically got him suspended because YouTube won’t say. When the Atlantis Enquirer spoke to Aristotle he said, “I’m not sure if it was the physical evidence or my observational arguments supporting the idea of a spherical Earth that offended YouTube's scientists”.


Aristotle has since registered an account with Spotify, but no sooner are Lawrence Welk and Yoko Ono threatening to have their songs removed if Spotify does not ban Aristotle.


Bo Gus Mann

Bo is a tough guy from Brooklyn who doesn't care about anyone's feelings. If he offends you, don't even bother complaining. Due to his mob staus, we can never fire him. Bo has had many run-ins with the law and so he has learned to become a good liar. Anyway, that's why we hired him. We're fake news.